About the Researcher
JOANNA COHAN SCHERER, Emeritus Anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution, has authored several books including A Danish Photographer of Idaho Indians: Benedicte Wrensted (University of Oklahoma Press, 2006) and Life among the Indians: First Fieldwork among the Sioux and Omahas by Alice C. Fletcher, Ed. and with an Introduction by Joanna C. Scherer and Raymond J. DeMallie (University of Nebraska Press, 2013) as well as articles in Cultural Anthropology, Arctic Anthropology, Visual Anthropology, and Visual Anthropology Review. She was the Illustrations Researcher for the Handbook of North American Indians from 1970 through 2006. She is currently Historian of of the Society of Visual Anthropology (SVA), a unit of the American Anthropological Association, and served as President. She is a member of the SVA Lifetime Achievement Award Committee and the Committee for John Collier, Jr. Award for Still Photography.
The content of this website was first read as a paper at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association in 1994 and then at the 20th American Indian Workshop in Lund April 26-28, 1999. A version was published in European Review of Native American Studies, 13(2):37-46, 1999. The website was designed and produced by Emily Solomon, an intern from The George Washington University, 2016.
For more information regarding Joanna C Scherer's publications and anthropological work, please visit her Smithsonian staff page.